Individuals must first learn to forsake all desires save the desire for the greater good. Yes, they must not be selfish, but they must also give up their reliance on families and tribes and cultures. Dedication to one's tribe leads to hatred against outsiders and irrational loyalty to insiders. The cycle of violence in descendants is primarily not promulgated by individual selfishness, but by the desire to avenge a "victimized" group. Read. Listen. Seldom are wars raged because "our nation is great and ought to control the world!" Instead, a nation will produce a list of the crimes committed against them by an enemy as an excuse to war with them. Citizens perceive their nations' enemies not as merely weak, but as evil.

We are most often selfish, caring only about the needs and wants of ourselves or our family and friends. Many are less selfish, but still tribalistic, caring only about the victory and glory of their country or religion. Even altruistic motives are flawed; we despise any amount of descendent sacrifice, even if it is required for long-term progress. The long-term process of creating a utopia in the distant future is too tedious to capture the instinctual hearts of descendants; the state must play a role in keeping these brutish desires in check, and in inspiring citizens to pursue the highest goal.

Human parasitism, the cult of consumption. Parasites are happy with how they live and where they live, remember, even if you kill the queen of parasites, you will not get rid of them. As long as there is something that they will consume, they will not disappear.

Doctors always smile when they say they can't help you, they will assure you that you are not full of cancer and incurable diseases, and you just give more money and continue to die.

Sentient beings, with few exceptions, are bound to strive and suffer greatly, all without any ultimate purpose or justification and thus life is not really worth living.

We can't know reality. We only know the reality that our senses interpret for us, in order that we survive and procreate. We aren't created to know truth or love. Those ideas are human delusions.

People who have spent their lives chained in a cave facing a blank wall. They watch shadows projected onto the wall by objects passing in front of a fire behind them, and they give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners' reality but not accurate representations of the real world. The shadows represent the fragment of reality we can perceive through our senses, while the objects under the sun represent the true forms of objects that we can only perceive through reason.

Schools are nothing more than factories that force-feed children the knowledge that the government wants to impart to them.

The world is full of hope and warmth, just as our night sky is full of luminaries. Adults usually look at the world gloomily; they simply don't pay attention to what kind of star flashed in the sky for the hundredth time. And before death, usually, people are filled with good memories from life, childhood, and, if they believe, hope in the afterlife.

Hope can be replaced by the future. Children dream about the future, most adults prefer to live in ignorance. But, regardless of your view, the light of the stars has always been and will reach our eyes.

Eventually, we can hope that such a nation will provide a beacon of hope to reality. It shall set aside all morals and tribes and desires for the Greater Good. It shall be stalwart in its pursuit of eternal utopia, and it shall give those of us who long for a perfected world hope and peace.

How the world is going right now, I know that noone in existence will experience this utopia, we will be endlessly striving to nothingness and useless "solutions" and before we know it, we have invited death onto everyones doorstep just waiting for a ball of light to come towards us and engulf us in pain and misery.